Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Glazing woes

white vase
Originally uploaded by Kam3k
I currently have a large backlog of bisque fired items waiting to be glazed and I hoped some of the items in my recent stoneware firing would have been sucessful so I could reproduce the glaze combinations on the rest. Unfortunately this little white vase is the only sucessful item from my last stoneware firing. I tried brushing a white glaze on rather than dipping, this one goes to a nice toasty colour where it's thin. The rest were dull at best and a few were disastarous with previously well behaved glazes running down the pot and sticking it to the kiln shelf.

My plan is to do a load of glaze tests before doing anything with the finished pots I'm accumalating. Last night I threw a lot of tiny pots off the hump which should make better glaze tests than tiles. I'm picking up some glaze ingredients from our local potters supplier next week so I can mix a bunch of different recipies.

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